Tryon Daily Bulletin
The Tryon Daily Bulletin, fondly known as “The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper”
The Tryon Daily Bulleting newspaper was established in 1928 by Seth Vining, Sr. He was referred to as the Bulletin’s “Curb Reporter” gathering information from locals first-hand on the streets of town worthy of reporting in the newspaper. The newspaper thrived because the locals greatly enjoyed hearing about their small town community events. After 60+ years in the family business, Seth M. Vining, Jr retired in 1989 and sold the publication to Jeff Byrd and his family. Over 20 years later, Byrd sold the newspaper to the current owner, the Tryon Newsmedia, LLC. To keep up with the times, the printed newspaper is now supplemented by an online digital format that is sent by email subscription. From the beginning and to this day, this small daily newspaper is still all about the local news of the area; but, today the articles are written by both submissions by the local readers and the staff journalists.